“Life Reimagined” Art Show

Come say hello, have some food + drink at our “Life Reimagined” Art Show at our Windermere Mount Baker office. Come shop for holiday gifts!

Windermere Real Estate Mount Baker
4919 South Genesee Street
Seattle, WA 98118

Please join us on Thursday, November 17th
5:30 - 8:30 PM
View the art, meet the artists and enjoy refreshments

Please join us for Life, ReImagined, a call and response to life during and after the COVID pandemic, and how it has impacted local artists’ lives. We are thrilled to host our artists once again for our 2022 collaboration and invite you to an evening of reception and purpose as we welcome our special guest of the evening,Wellspring Family Services. Come share the joy of the season and the celebration of life.


Eric Day  •   Barb Oswald  •  Sally Drew  •  Mita Reichardt  •  Susan Cole  •  Lori Duckstein •  Frank Duckstein  •  Eli Kimaro  •  Ellen Zrimsek  •  Karen Gjelsteen  •   Tara McDermott