Putting your Best Foot Forward

image of a home through the gardens

Our professional network does more than connect you to your ideal buyer—we can also help you find the right professional to get your home in top condition. We offer reliable referrals for landscaping, exterior work, interior spruce-ups, and virtually any type of repair work needed:

  • Landscaping

  • Window washing

  • Geotech

  • Windows/broken seals

  • Garage doors

  • Electricians, plumbers, roofers, general contractors & fix-it

  • Housecleaning

  • Interior/exterior painting 

  • Flooring, including carpets and hardwood

  • HVAC

  • Fireplace 

  • Boat lifts and docks

  • Pest control

  • Mold remediation

  • Wet basements/crawls

Considering your next move? Contact us for more information!